Pipeline & Gas Journal: Navigating Industry Evolution through Adaptive Technology

PipeSense President & CTO Stuart Mitchell provides a guest article for the June 2024 issue of Pipeline & Gas Journal.

In anticipation of widespread industry change coming 1st October 2024, as mandated by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), Stuart looks at how disruption and regulation can open the door for growth and innovation in pipeline leak detection.

With a specific focus on how PipeSense technologies can support operators to avoid disruption, you can read the full article here: https://read.nxtbook.com/gulf_energy_information/pipeline_and_gas_journal/june_2024/leak_detection_navigating_evo.html

To follow up and find out more about the specifics of our groundbreaking AI-backed pipeline leak detection technology, contact us today: [email protected]